Monday, 29 February 2016

Art SAISA 2016

As a group of 8 students, we travelled to Mumbai, India to the American School of Bombay for 4 days. As an aspiring designer going to art school, the 4 days were extremely important for me to experience meeting new people and learn new media techniques. We travelled along with the SAISA Badminton team from OSC. This made us a group of 16 students plus 3 teachers.

We spent our first day visiting 8 different Art galleries in the city of Mumbai. This was a great experience as we saw a range of different artists using different mediums, from different countries and creating art of different genres.

Nisala and I posing for a picture while looking at an artwork. 

The Second day was workshop day.
From the three available workshops, I chose to join the 'New Media' workshop as I would benefit by learning the use of new technologies in the creation of art. The Workshop was very interesting and really got me interested into the use of mediums such as led lights and circuits to create are.

As the theme of 'Justice', which is  an issue of  global importance was the basis of the creation of our artworks. I decided to create a work that showed the Objectification of women in the media. As an aspiring designer in the field of fashion as well as a Higher Level Visual Arts students, I had always shown keen interest in the issue of the portrayal of women in media and the different perspectives that they are seen from.

I created this using Led lights and learnt a new skill  of using wires and batteries to create a circuit for the lights. This gave me a challenge as I had not taken physics in 4 years. I found this section of my work extremely interesting as it was a new experience.
Art Work; On (top picture), Off (bottom picture)

Me and Shivangi (extreme left) with Host Family
on the third day of SAISA Art, after setting up our exhibitions.

Bestfriend Rishika Narayanan from the SAISA Badminton Team

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