Thursday, 19 February 2015

Printmaking Session 1 & 2

 For creativity in 2015, I joined Printmaking. Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing on paper, metal or several different types of sources. In printmaking we learn new techniques and learn how to make a range of layouts to print.
Printmaking techniques are generally divided into the following basic categories:
·       Relief, where ink is applied to the original surface of the matrix. Relief techniques include woodcut or woodblock as the Asian forms are usually known, wood engraving, linocut and metalcut.
·       Intaglio, where ink is applied beneath the original surface of the matrix. Intaglio techniques include engraving, etching, mezzotint, aquatint.
·       Planographic, where the matrix retains its original surface, but is specially prepared and/or inked to allow for the transfer of the image. Planographic techniques include lithography, Monotyping, and digital techniques.
·       Stencil, where ink or paint is pressed through a prepared screen, including screenprinting and pochoir.

                       Source - "Printmaking." N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

Printing Press

For the first two sessions we learnt the technique of Etching on a plastic sheet and printing it on wet paper with the help of a printing press.  First we had to plan a print that we would like to etch on the plastic paper, and then either sketch or print it out. I sketched the head of an elephant.

I then put the plastic sheet on top of the sketch of the elephant, and used an etching stick to engrave it on to the sheet. The next step was to put a layer of paint on the engraved side of the plastic sheet. I used a dry hard brush to add on the acrylic paint on the plastic sheet.

Paint on Plastic sheet

Then I inserted the plastic sheet and a piece of wet white paper through the printing press. This was my final outcome.

My next step was to complete the body of the elephant, and then etch it on to the plastic paper. However the body of the elephant didn't come out so well as I directly etched it onto the plastic paper instead of sketching it on a paper. I also tried a colourful variation along with the blank ink. 

This activity will meet the following outcomes-
1.     Increased  awareness strengths and areas for growth. It will help increase my awareness and give me more knowledge about the different techniques of printmaking.

2.     Undertake new challenges. I faced some difficulties while drawing on the plastic paper, as using the etching stick limits the hand movements, making the lines less smooth and less flexible. 

3.     Planned and initiate activities. I planned the layout of my print first on paper before transferring it onto a plastic sheet.

4.     Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities. . I will be working towards completing every technique with utmost accuracy and improve my skills. This will require me to show commitment in order to achieve a good result.

5.     Engage with issues of global importance. Etching is done on plastic paper sheets that can be reused to create 100-150 prints depending on the ink used. So this helps in printing one print several times decreasing the use of paper and plastic. 

6.     Developed new skills.  Within the first 2 sessions I learnt the technique of etching which comes under the category of Intaglio. At first it was difficult as drawing onto a plastic sheet using an etching stick limited me to move my hand freely. However, I am moderately satisfied with my end product, but I could've worked more on the body of the elephant. 

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